yes sir
D: Jordan, can we speak to you in my office real quick?
Um, yeah, sure
D: Great.
What's going on, sir?
D: Well, first and foremost, we wanted to make it very clear how
fortunate we were to have you transferred over to us.
oh, well thank you sir, thanks a lot, it was my pleasure
D: without even knowing, we seemed to have stumbled upon a very
useful contributor to our work here
Sir, thank you, that's very flattering
D: Now, there is a serious matter we do need to discuss with you. We
feel it's important to-
Um, sorry sir to interrupt, but who is we?
D: Pardon?
It's just, you've said we a whole bunch of times already, and I just
wanted to know who we is...
D: Me. I. I feel it's important that-
Um, alright
D: I feel it's important to express to you, as soon as we, as I
could, the next phase of your responsibilities here.
The next phase?
D: Oh yes
Um, no disrespect sir, but I was under the impression that I was
going to be allowed to continue working on my current project through
completion, despite being transferred over here.
D: yes, Jordan, I understand that that may have been the impression
you were given, especially by your former bosses, but for the good of
the company, and we really really value employees who are always
looking out for the good of the company, we are gonna talk about the
next phase.
D: Now, of course we want you to continue with the current project
you're working on, very much so... these things will just come in
addition. You of course can take your time, but there will be
deadlines, as you can imagine. You're going to be asked to oversee
the disasters.
The disasters? Sir, that seems like an awful huge jump from-
D: from lack of clean water? I knew you'd think that. But really,
all it truly is is maintenance... same as you're used to. You're not
being asked to make any sorts of decisions, just oversee, check for
smooth sailing, you might say. Now as you grow with us, and based on
how you handle the maintenance, you may be eventually asked to sit
in on the board, to be a contributor to decisions. And once you're
asked to sit in, it's only a matter of time until you become a member
and then you're really making decisions. You seem like the kind of
guy that wants to make decisions, amiright? And here, we really value
employees who like to make decisions. How's this sounding?
I mean, it all sounds rather intimidating sir. I guess I had never
pictured what came after, um after this job, I guess. I mean, it all
sounds quite challenging and like I could hopefully contribute some
real insight or at least selfishly, some brain power to it all...
D: Yes, well, we're not looking for your selfish brain power son,
we're looking for action takers. I understand in a lot of ways, this
job doesn't seem like a glorious one, and this company doesn't seem
like maybe it'll be along forever... but you trust me. I've seen
people come and i've seen people go, and i've seen my company stand
through thick and thin in order to watch others stand through thick
and thin. And I've watched the moral dilemmas. I've watched the weak
misunderstand the big picture of this place. So I need you, as we
present these new obligations you're expected to handle, to really
ask yourself whether you feel you have the character, whether you
have the strength to continue with this company. Because the whole
water deal isn't going to be around too much longer, it's a changing
world, ya know... but disasters, disasters is something we are going
to be dealing with for, well for as long as we can.
Sir I think i've been misled as to what um, this company was about...
D: Excuse me?
Well, at my old location, I, well, I was working towards a solution
D: What kind of solution?
Well, with the whole water thing... it wasn't so much of a decision
or a distribution as it was a collecting of data and an analysis of
data and kinda piecing together what we knew and who we could help-
D: You were “helping” at the other location?
well, maybe not helping, not in so many words, um, I, I mean, I'm
just not sure I have the kind of character that you're looking for,
um, especially not for disasters...
D: You were a perfect candidate, though.
Why? How was I possibly a perfect candidate?
D: well we've really looked at the work you've done with water, and
with pollution before that, and I'm not entirely sure who you've been
talking with that has convinced you you're “helping”... but um,
we've seen what you've contributed. Disasters would be an incredible
step up for you, I'm actually quite confused as to what the problem
But, um, I have been helping people. The research I've done, I've
investigated the reasons why things are happening, extensively, I've
researched, finding a solution, for the next step, the next step
D: Oh, Jordan. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but your
research, your investigations, they're not, well, that information
isn't being used to stop these things, you do know that, right?
I don't think I know what you mean
D: That information is acquired by us, and then leaked to those below
us, those not in decision making fields or researching fields...
those that are in the justifying fields. That information is given to
those who have to answer to the general public. By understanding the
reasons and the possible motives and justifications, they are able to
pacify those who look to them for answers. They, of course, are
experts at taking the numbers and information you give them, and
twisting it to serve many purposes but, um, it's for means of
perpetuation. You haven't been finding solutions, son, you've been
finding answers to questions that need answers but really, we don't
want answered
How has this never been explained to me before?
D: Well, would you have done it still?
Absolutely not! I joined this company to find solutions, to look for
answers, to help people! I want to help people! There's so much
wrong, I thought by being directly involved in what goes wrong, that
I could help it go right! I need it to go right!
D: Well, if things go right, a lot of people are out of jobs.
Okay so we're out of jobs, but millions of people are happier? Safer?
Healthier? How can this be justified?
D: Do you have student loans?
D: Do you like your apartment? Your clothes? Your meals? Jobs are
jobs, my boy, and the sooner you realize that and stop with this
martyr business, the happier you'll be. The healthier you'll be. Does
that make sense.
Yes sir.
D: So what's it gonna be?
I, I need some time to thin-
D: Then you're fired. We need people who make decisions, who are
ready to do a job, to do their job and do it well. So enjoy
unemployment, enjoy your debt, enjoy your making the world a nice
clean lovely place while you starve and crawl back to your parents
who, I'm sure, did a whole bunch of jobs that didn't make them happy
just so you could have some opportunities. Enjoy. Good day.
Well, sir, I didn't say no, I just... will you reconsider.
D: It's water and disasters, or nothing.
Okay, okay, I'll do it.
D: And you'll do it well. And you'll research this company and you'll
learn every detail of what you're contributing to. Okay? You might as
well know. And you might as well enjoy that paycheck you get knowing
you did a job well, regardless of the job.
Yes sir.
D: Excellent. Good talk, Jordan. Go about your business.
Yes sir.