girls sit cutting white paper with scissors, just cutting
once I fell in love I did I fell in love and I introduced him to
people like my friends and like my family like my grandpa met him we
were in love
once I broke my nose I got hit in the face right square in the face
with a softball I didn't even see it there was a lot of sun in my
eyes but I got black eyes and a big swollen face and my nose was
fucking broken
once I did a science project it was so informative I won an award for
the essay I wrote about it because I learned so much about physics
and biology and chemistry because it was science
once I was in this play that I got to help direct and write and act
in all at the same time I was so involved in the creative process
that I was forever altered I understood very deeply the way theatre
really worked and I knew then that I could declare myself a real
thespian cuz I was in a play
slight overlap begins in the stories
once he came over with a dozen roses that's twelve gorgeous plump
roses and I didn't even mind the cliché because they were pretty
they smelled nice and they fit in this perfect vase that I had been
given for confirmation in eighth grade and when I stared at them I
realized that money was spent so that I could feel like I was a lady
a real woman who had a real man who bought her plants
it's the only bone i've ever broken and it's funny cuz my only
brother has only broken one bone ever he was in a car accident where
a drunk driver came across the center line and hit him and Charlie
Thompsen head on and he broke his collar bone and it happened a week
before I got hit in the face and so everyone was always asking me
about the car accident like what happened and what was going to
happen to the drunk man and I would just tell them no i'm sorry I got
hit in the face with a ball
I tested the strengths of different toilet paper I was in sixth grade
I bought like four brands of toilet paper and I made a contraption to
hold out the toilet paper and I sprayed each sheet with an equal
amount of water that I regulated with a spray bottle that I bought
from the dollar store and then I placed metal screws on the top of
the toilet paper until it ripped I studied the plies and I studied
the patterns and I studied the advertisements in comparison to the
it was a circus themed play and there were circus acts and then
throughout the circus acts there were fairy tales that just existed
and sort of propelled the story but really just were little folk
tales and all the other stories would exist and then be done but my
story got to weave throughout the whole show so I was kinda like the
lead even though it would be hard to say who the lead was but the
show was so funny and strange and we did improv to develop the rest
of it beyond the stories that were already chosen for us to do
more noticeable overlap, like all talking at once
we dated for quite a while and it wasn't even a convenience thing it
was a love thing it was a thing that we said on occasion not like a
pressure thing or an obligation thing because it was elementary and
kinda pure but also kinda fucked up because when we got back to
school after the summer even though we had seen each other all summer
there were like three weeks at the end where we didn't see each other
and apparently in that time he had come to some conclusion that we
shouldn't date even though we loved each other and we didn't fight
and we made each other happy and the rest because he had decided that
he didn't want to marry me in like you know the five years after from
right then when he apparently envisioned himself being married but
you know we were like twenty-one and it always seemed so odd that it
became about some sort of future as opposed to a now and a....
and my family is kinda like a tough it out kind of family I got hurt
on saturday and on monday I had a physical anyway to get checked for
sports but on Monday morning before my appointment I also had
basketball conditioning so I went to conditioning and ran multiple
miles and jumped up bleacher seats and did wind sprints and the whole
deal and when I was done my eyes were so swollen that I had to
literally push my eyelids open to get my contacts out and then I went
to the doctor and they well they told me to stop ya know running and
stuff and then I went to show choir camp and I really did all sorts
of stuff and just had these two black eyes... and the sun was in my
eyes so much that I didn't even see the ball when it hit me in the
face, and I just kinda turned around and put my hand to my face and
just saw blood come gushing out all over and they made me lay down
and to just see people's reactions to see my face...
and when I went to science challenge which was this like three county
wide competition that you could get invited to if your project was
one of the best at your school and I was one of the few sixth graders
who got invited anyway and then when I was there I won the Elsie
Larson Award out of everyone which was an award for your essay... and
I had to do a full interview and presentation to judges and talk
about my methods and my ideas and all that kind of stuff which was
kind of intense for a sixth grader to be put through but I definitely
got a first place ribbon and then I was invited back when I was in
seventh grade for my project about the probability of a royal flush
and then again in eighth grade for my project where I made candles
and studied some hardcore chemistry stuff and I got to...
And like when we started the show all that existed was the fairy
tales as like fairy tales but all of them just existed as books so
the older members I was only in eighth grade but was still a more
advanced member of the Oceana Summer Youth Theatre got to adapt the
stories and then direct the stories and then the rest like all of the
circus acts that became all the other stuff in between were like from
improv activities where like we had to bring in a character and would
go in front of everyone and everyone would just ask you questions
about your life as a circus person and from that our director who
went to Juliard for directing by the way and she like started this
summer theatre program and we did Shakespeare for a bunch of years
but then this one year we decided to do something experimental and it
really pushed us to stretch what we thought about...
Keep cutting
Keep cutting
Keep cutting
Keep cutting
keep cutting