Play 12


Prock and Ralph stand frozen, E-V mechanically works through

E-V:Onto clicking
on through tocking
into a key that's continuously locking
sitting tall-watch it fall-through an all-out painful brawl
to that which fades
cuz it's on repeat
and it's losing shade
and in need of retreat
apologies sent up, drones sent down
the reminding reminder all around town
so hear it again, hear it around
and feel it fade, drip, sink in the ground

Prock and Ralph mechanically loosen, E-V freezes

Prock: we are dutifully obliged

Ralph: dutifully

Prock: yes indeed

Ralph: obliged

Prock: yes indeed. to send it up

Ralph: up

Prock: up. to bring it up

Ralph: up

Prock: up. to raise it up

Ralph: up.

Prock: yes. up.

Ralph: This is comprehensible

Prock: certainly

Ralph: undeniably

Prock: and frankly, the obligation runs deep, set roots, makes sense

Ralph: dutifully obliged

Prock: but the repetition

Ralph: the repetition

Prock: yes, the repetition is... trouble some, without a doubt

Ralph: doubt is readily available

Prock: certainly. And with the obligation at the threshold, on the cusp, needing strength and comfort and obligatory

Ralph: obligatory duty

Prock: yes indeed, well, we must brainstorm

Ralph: must what?

Prock: brainstorm

Ralph: what?

Prock: brainstorm

Ralph: pardon

Prock: yes?

Ralph: shortness has been reached

Prock: precisely

Ralph: concern has mounted worry has ridden confusion

Prock: precisely

Ralph: …. prompts are needed

Prock: the twelve of them, the repetition, the twelve

Ralph: repetition. Twelve.

Prock: and, and, and

they freeze

E-V:Onto clicking
on through tocking
into a key that's continuously locking
sitting tall-watch it fall-through an all-out painful brawl
to that which fades
cuz it's on repeat
and it's losing shade
and in need of retreat
apologies sent up, drones sent down
the reminding reminder all around town
so hear it again, hear it around
and feel it fade, drip, sink in the ground

Prock: we are dutifully obliged

Ralph: dutifully

Prock: yes indeed

Ralph: obliged

Prock: Break. The break must come

Ralph: obligatory break?

Prock: No. No longer with obligation. Issue is taken with this obligation.

Ralph: issue is readily available

Prock: yes indeed. So explain, the why, these whys, these clicks

Ralph: entrapment? Entrapment? Entrapment?

Prock: speaking free

Ralph: free

Prock: free

Ralph: free

Prock: so the why, these whys, these clicks.... create force

Ralph: force

Prock: obligation

Ralph: obligation

Prock: repetition

Ralph: repetition

Prock: it has not hurt before

Ralph: not what?

Prock: hurt

Ralph: what?

Prock: hurt

Ralph: pardon

Prock: yes?

Ralph: shortness has been reached

Prock: precisely

Ralph: and thus?

Prock: thus is new

Ralph: thus

Prock: thus a new beginning

Ralph: beginning

Prock: yes indeed

Ralph: obligatory duty

Prock: not exactly

Ralph: precisely?

Prock: not precisely

Ralph: pardon?

Prock: it's, it's, it's

they freeze

E-V:Onto clicking
on through tocking
into a key that's continuously locking
sitting tall-watch it fall-through an all-out painful brawl
to that which fades
cuz it's on repeat
and it's losing shade
and in need of retreat
apologies sent up, drones sent down
the reminding reminder all around town
so hear it again, hear it around
and feel it fade, drip, sink in the ground

Prock: we are dutifully obliged

Ralph: dutifully

Prock: yes indeed

Ralph: obliged

Prock: yes indeed. to send it up

Ralph: up

Prock: up. to bring it up

Ralph: up

Prock: up. to raise it up

Ralph: up.

Prock: yes. up.

Ralph: This is comprehensible

Prock: And end all

Ralph: end

Prock: all

Ralph: all

Prock: end

Ralph: through whys

Prock: through through through

they freeze

E-V:Onto clicking
on through tocking
into a key that's continuously locking
sitting tall-watch it fall-through an all-out painful brawl
to that which fades
cuz it's on repeat
and it's losing shade
and in need of retreat
apologies sent up, drones sent down
the reminding reminder all around town
so hear it again, hear it around
and feel it fade, drip, sink in the ground

Prock: we are dutifully obliged

Ralph: dutifully

Prock: yes indeed

Ralph: obliged

Prock: we, we, we

they freeze

E-V:Onto clicking
on through tocking
into a key that's continuously locking
sitting tall-watch it fall-through an all-out painful brawl
to that which fades
cuz it's on repeat
and it's losing shade
and in need of retreat
apologies sent up, drones sent down
the reminding reminder all around town
so hear it again, hear it around
and feel it fade, drip, sink in the ground

Prock and Ralph just stare at each other